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Asator hail from Bremen, Germany, and before we get into how awesome their release Gezeiten is, we want to tell you to get your asses over to Black Fall Fest (https://www.facebook.com/events/1645914885641727/) their next appearance alongside a few other good names (which might even just be featured).


‘Wenn Welken welten’ kicks us off here in Gezeiten, and for some reason reminds us immediately of Abwehrschlacht, even though it’s audibly….different. Definitely not staying in the honey-pot of Black Metal for some people (including a few here at UU), there’s arguably nothing un-Black-Metal against them (we’re argued aleady). A mellow track with alternating clean harmonies and a not-half-bad vocal performance, it’s an intriguing start to an album that we couldn’t really imagine from the get-go.


‘Schattentanz’, track two, really kicks things off here at the office, as it’s an over 14:00 epic that starts off acoustic. These things can go either way pretty quickly and we were all remembering the strite over the last load of long-ass songs we had to cover (Garden of Grief).

At this stage, after the song really kicks in, we’re feeling pretty divided here. Is that Cradle of Filth that they’re reminding of us? Amon Amarth? Asator have somehow blended more than a few elements together that we haven’t really noticed (enjoyed?) so much before, and there’s not much bad about it. It’s so far a good album to have on in the background, and definitely listenable. Amon Amarth-esque or not, they’re started to convince us they’ve made the cut (Solo Aside).

‘Nekrolog’ is track number three, and immediately takes to our liking. DIrty guitars, slow rhythms and fuzzy melodies, right up our darkly-lit alley. We should probably take the time to point out that Asator the band are indeed good and aren’t pulling the wool over anyone’s eyes, they list themselves as Melodic Black Metal and something are just bound to come with that. For out biased ears though, ‘Nekrolog’ is where Gezeiten really takes off.

Seriously, the song is the shit.

Gezeiten is seven tracks long, and because of that (and also the fact that Asator have let us listen to that for free on their website (beneath this text), we’re going to call it a day. Go listen.

Nekrolog, seriously.

Official website (music available to listen to and download too) http://www.asator.de
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/asatorHB
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Asatorband/

And for us:

Until Next Time,